Posts in headshots
my, my, my, my, my sweet thing

It was getting dark. 

We had driven around for awhile and, from the car windows, spotted seemingly adequate prospects, but we got greedy and kept going, both in search of light and the perfect shape tree.

When we finally stopped the car, there seemed to be nothing worthy of a living room. Too tall, too sparse, too... 

I followed them as they ran through the woods, none of us paying that much attention to the way back to the car. Did I mention it was getting dark?

Then, down below, an acceptable specimen appeared. It was ok-enough. Dubious, Courtney resigned herself that this was their tree. It was almost a symbol of the past few months - not what she'd envisioned, but reality had dealt its blow. Sensing Courtney's disappointment, Meridith asked if we had five more minutes. Yes, there is almost always five more minutes. She bounced off and, reenergized by her partner's hope for better, Courtney set off on the search again too. 

And there it was. WAY DOWN THERE. Courtney called to Meridith, who came bounding back over the ridge. She saw it too. That was it. Their tree. They quickly made the cut and, together, hoisted it back up the mountain.

Just a little parable to never give up, never settle. These two most certainly do not, most especially when it comes to one another. I am so lucky to count them as friends and examples of wholehearted love. Thanks to Courtney and Meridith for getting me in the Christmas spirit this year and for letting me tag along on your cutest annual tradition!